Sunday, November 30, 2014

Field Blog Agnon

   I thought Agnon was a very interesting school. There was a very different and unique feel to the school. I really liked the school however. I thought that the teachers were very down to earth and personable, as well as professional. I was also very impressed with how well behaved the students were. Honestly, it was an eye opener to see how well behaved the students were. It was nothing like my elementary school and I thought that we were well behaved for the most part. These kids blew my class out of the water. They had so much freedom and did not try to test their limits. Also, I thought it was so cool how the teachers gave the students choices when it came to what they wanted to do in the classroom. For instance, the math teacher in the 4th grade told the students they could play a game call "domino war" or work on their homework in their math workbooks. When I was in grade school, we had no choices. We did whatever the teacher wanted us to do and if we did not we were punished. I think that by allowing the students to have a choice, they are able to learn at an earlier age the consequences or benefits of certain decisions. For example, a student who chose to play the game rather than working on their math workbook and vise versa. Putting off work usually makes it even harder to do later and that is something that I did not learn in grade school. Luckily enough for the students at Agnon, they are able to experience this at a young age.

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